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View from Here - August 2020

Mike Krass • September 1, 2020 • 4 minutes to read

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" - Walt Disney

Throughout the course of these monthly updates, my view has a habit of changing.

Sometime it's more a figure of speech. This is the mental view from here.

Other times it's a literal change of what I'm seeing or experiencing.

This update is a little more on the nose. It's pretty literal. I changed my view.

Last month I changed my view from warm, humid New Orleans - where I've been spending nearly every day since Covid-19 came to America - to this view from a lake cabin that's been in my family for years.

For eight days I had the pleasure of recharging my exhausted brain.

While I kept putting this off ("I just took time off 3 months ago. Why go again?") the more brainpower I put behind it the more I realized I needed to take Walt Disney's advice.

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing"

During that time I forgot that Coronavirus existed. There's no need for a mask when you are the only person around!

I remember building the shed in the backyard at the cabin with my Uncle Don. "Building", in air quotes, because I mainly passed him tools and watched as he took the shed from nothing to a functional shed to house boat motors, lawn mowers, rafts, and more.

I twirled my wedding band on my ring finger while staring out at the lake. the wedding band that I wear belonged to my grandfather who is my namesake and who brought this family cabin into our family. It very much felt like a homecoming for that band as the cabin was his favorite place on earth.

And as I reflected more, I realized how special this view was at this exact moment in time because it represented a big 'off' button.

I wasn't checking my phone or email all day. Nor was anyone else (nobody was there!)

Because no one else was checking their devices in front of me, I didn't feel like I was splitting mental time with whatever was on their screen.

This gave me 8 days of mental calm.

So for those reading this who think you can't possibly take a day off from life, work or anything else right now: know that you can. And your brain will thank you for it.

As I transition from this glorious lake view, there are two specific announcements that I'm thrilled to be making in this update.

Same Face / New Role!

We are proud to announce that Jenna is advancing into the role of Managing Director here at the agency.


Jenna has earned this opportunity through all her hard and thoughtful work here at MKG. Speaking for myself, I'm really excited to see her step into this role.

Please take a moment to congratulate her on LinkedIn. As digital marketers we are well aware that social media usage is up during these Covid times so give her a digital 'hell ya!' since you are already on LinkedIn anyways :)

New Faces: Jessyca and Sam

Along with Jenna's exciting news, we have two new faces who joined the team in the past 90 days.

Samantha Ellsworth, or Sam as she goes by, joins us from the great state of Vermont as one of our Account Directors. Outside of work...

  • Sam spends her time with her husband, 4-year-old daughter and chocolate lab exploring Vermont and all it has to offer
  • This includes hiking, skiing and enjoying all the local food to growing their backyard garden

Jessyca Sulfsted arrived at MKG by way of another agency. A native New Orleanian who still calls New Orleans home, Jessyca brings years of experience to the table across PPC, SEO and Analytics. In her free time she enjoys the food, music, and culture that New Orleans constantly provides; Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest, and Saints games just to name a few.

Please join me in giving both Sam and Jessyca an internet high five for joining MKG :)

That's a wrap for August!

Between updates, make sure to check out the latest podcast episodes that Kerry is putting out.

You can find those here:

Pro tip: the new episode where Klyn Elsbury talks about Neurology & Unconscious Motivators is pretty awesome! You can actually play it by mashing the 'play' button below.

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