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ExtraHop + MKG: A SEO Case Study

3 minutes to read

Meet our client

Jaq Evans, the Senior Digital Marketing Manager who spearheaded web and content marketing at ExtraHop Networks, ExtraHop is on a mission to arm security teams to confront active threats and stop breaches.

In plain English: they are a security company for the modern age.

Where is the green grass?

Innovation takes time. Business-changing ideas do not fall from the sky; they often take a lot of conversation, careful thought and the courage to put ourselves out there by releasing that idea, concept or execution out into the world.

When we innovate for our clients, we ultimately ask them if they trust us with a big idea that has come to mind. Do they trust us to try something new that may actually not work?

A great example is the Protocol Library project.

Protocol Library

We shared with ExtraHop that there was a huge opportunity to create a dictionary-style section of their website that outlines security protocols.

Something that was not focused on getting visitors to immediately request a demo or to sign up for a sales conversation.

But instead a top of funnel tactic for security professionals looking to educate themselves on cybersecurity terms.

  1. Keyword Opportunity: Years before the Protocol Library launched, our team noticed a large volume of searches for technical, definition-like terms (Security Protocols).
  2. Targeted To Top Of Funnel: These searches tend to be focused around definitions as well as quick answers to “What is…” style questions. Using BrightEdge’s DataCube product, we correctly identified most of these to be top of funnel, awareness searches.
  3. Broad Match Content Strategy: There was no term too small to attempt to rank for. While we put equal effort into ranking for search queries that had 10 searches a month as well as 10,000 per month. In terms of stack ranking these queries, we developed the higher volume content opportunities first.
  4. Awareness to Commercial Success: A content strategy focused on definitions - like the Protocol Library - tend to play in the top-of-the-funnel, awareness space. As we begin drawing SEO traffic to this section of the website, the next step is to push qualified individuals through the rest of ExtraHop’s website through creative internal linking powered by a user flow analysis to guide the visitor from the Protocol directory over to other areas of the website.
  5. 5 Years In the Making: This idea took years to finally get the resources behind it to execute. This idea took time to concept. Time to get resources budgeted. And time to create once it was green-lit. But now, it's an incredible asset for ExtraHop Networks that none of their competitors had when it first went live.

Website impact

Reminder, the desired out come for the Protocol Library is an awareness play. Bringing in new potential customers who have never heard of ExtraHop. With that desired outcome in mind, the Protocol Library has achieved the following:

  • Over 100k visits in 2021
  • Accounts for 14% of website traffic
  • Visitors spend 5 minutes on page
  • Produced 23% more traffic year over year

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